NORTHWOOD CLUB, INC. RULES AND REGULATIONS Revised: Dec. 2022 The following rules and regulations have been established to provide for and to protect the interests of the Club Members and Guests. Parents are requested to caution their children to observe all rules and to obey the instructions of the Pool Manager and Staff. Any failure to comply with these rules shall be considered sufficient cause for immediate suspension of pool privileges for the offending member for a period of 1 to 7 days, and it can be considered sufficient cause for cancellation of membership. Management and Lifeguards are responsible for enforcing these Rules and Regulations: Pool Schedule The pool shall open on or about Memorial Day and shall close on or about Labor Day. Exact dates shall be determined by the Board of Directors. From opening day until the end of the school year: a. From Memorial Day to the last day of public school, hours to be posted yearly by the BOD. b. Weekend hours will be normal hours but hours during the week will change daily. From the end of the school year until the end of the season: a. The pool hours will be posted yearly by the Board of Directors. b. From the first day of school until Labor Day, pool hours to be determined. Schedule is subject to change, based on staff availability. All programs and swim practice schedules will be posted at the pool to give members notification of the events. Note: The pool will be closed when necessary for maintenance, special programs, schedule changes or inclement weather. We will notify you of these changes by sending you an email notification and/or with a Facebook post. Club Property General: Members shall check in at the desk upon entering the grounds and allow the staff person to check their identification cards kept on file. They shall give their names, the names of any guests that are with them and pay the guest fee(s). See Guest Procedures listed below. Identification cards should have complete medical and dental information entered. Identification or Membership cards shall have a current photo of the member. It is the responsibility of the member to provide these photos as needed for all family members who have a card. Children under 8 years of age must be accompanied and under direct supervision of a guardian of legal age. They need to be advised of the rules and regulations of the pool by the adult members of their family. No pets allowed. No glass containers of any kind are permitted. All persons using the pool and grounds do so at their own risk. The Club will not be liable for any accident or injury in connection with use. The cost of any property damage, deliberate or due to carelessness, will be charged to the responsible member. Members damaging property (such as hanging on the basketball rim) will be given 1 warning. The 2nd offense will result in expulsion from the Club for a period of at least 2 consecutive days. No abusive language will be permitted on pool property. Any clothing with inappropriate language, suggestive actions, behaviors, or any other themes that are deemed not appropriate in the spirit of a family pool environment will be prohibited. Members shall drive slowly and carefully on the driveway and in the parking area (maximum speed 5 mph). No bikes shall be permitted in the pool area. Bikes should be parked at the bike rack or in the grass area outside of the pool grounds. The Club will not be responsible for the loss or damage of personal property. Northwood pool grounds are Smoke, Vape and Tobacco Free. Persons using the Club property are responsible for cleaning up their trash, discarded objects and general debris at all times. All persons using the Pavilion will keep it neat and clean. You may not throw sports balls and equipment in the building or on the building at any time. You may use the pavilion for eating and socializing, except when it is reserved for a private party. Note: Pool members and guests who are unable to meet the expectations of the pool rules will be suspended up to 7 days. Any subsequent suspensions after the first one are subject to Management and Board action. Concrete Deck: Street shoes will be allowed on the pool deck, but not on the pool apron. No running, pushing, wrestling, ball playing or undue disturbances will be permitted. No expectorating (spitting) is permitted on the pool grounds in general. No beverages or food allowed on the concrete deck, except the designated pool deck tables. No socializing with, visiting with, or distracting lifeguards on duty. Main and Wading Pool: All bathers, tennis players, and volleyball players should shower before entering the pool. Admission to the pool may be refused to anyone with skin abrasions, colds, cough, inflamed eyes, infections, wearing of bandages, etc. Spitting, blowing of nose, and chewing gum is prohibited. No horseplay or undue disturbances will be permitted in or around the pools. Only balls specifically made for the pool will be allowed in the pool area. No regular sport balls (e.g. soccer balls or footballs) are allowed in the pool area. Back and arm floats, used to teach swimming, will be permitted in the large pool if the adult is within reach of the child in the pool. Use of the wading pool shall be normally limited to children under six years of age. There is no lifeguard on duty at the wading pool; therefore, children must be under the direct supervision of a responsible parent or adult while in the wading pool and wading pool area. Parents must be aware that they are swimming at their own risk. Children able to use the main pool without adult supervision will not be permitted to use the wading pool regardless of age. In order to gain access to the deep end of the large pool, a member or guest must be able to complete the basic water test administered by a lifeguard, which consists of swimming one length of the pool and treading water for two minutes. Children must wear swimming diapers until completely potty trained. Any child wearing a swimming diaper must wear rubber pants over the diaper or a tight fitting bathing suit. The changing of diapers and swim suits shall be done in the bath house. Wearing of glasses is prohibited within the main pool unless the lenses are plastic. Anyone who has experienced diarrhea within a previous 24 hour period is not permitted to enter the water. Diving Board and Slide: In order to gain access to the deep end of the large pool, a member or guest must be able to complete the basic water test administered by a lifeguard, which consists of swimming one length of the pool and treading water for two minutes. No more than one person will be permitted on a diving board or slide (including steps). Before diving or sliding, the preceding person must have reached the ladder. Divers/sliders must swim directly to the ladder. Diving or jumping from the diving board must be done off the front of the board only. Swimmers must come down the slide feet first and in a seated position. No horseplay, excessive bouncing, or running is permitted on or around the diving board or slide. No one is permitted to catch any person coming off the board or slide. Swimming in the diving well is permitted only when the guard has suspended diving and sliding. Extracurricular Activities – Club Property: It is the parental member’s/guest responsibility to ensure that their children’s use of any extracurricular games/activities that are the property of the club are returned in the condition which they were received. Typical wear and tear is expected, any excessive damage caused by misuse, intentional or otherwise, will result in replacement of the item(s) at the member’s expense. Grills that are provided by the Club can only be used by adults. Bath House: Appropriate use, behavior, and conduct will be monitored by pool staff. Parents will be responsible for their children’s behavior while using the bath house. Please be mindful of others and clean up after yourself. Notify a staff member of any issues pertaining to the bathhouse. Tennis Courts: Smooth soled shoes and shirts must be worn on the court. Trash must be thrown away. When others are waiting to play please limit play to 30 minutes. No food or glass on the court. Profanity will not be tolerated. Practice good sportsmanship. Digital and Electronic Device Use: All electronics are the sole responsibility of the owner. These devices need to be kept at a safe distance from the pool’s edge. They are to be used discreetly, safely, conscientiously, and with regard to families and children of all ages being nearby. Content verbally and visually needs to be appropriate at all times while on the property of Northwood. Distribution of any photos without consent of the person in the photo is prohibited. Any liability associated with this kind of activity is at your expense. Any loss, damage or theft is not the responsibility of Northwood Club, but the sole responsibility of the owner. Alcohol Rules Northwood Swim and Tennis Club does not encourage or condone alcoholic consumption; however, alcohol is permitted on Northwood Property under the following minimum rules/guidelines: Northwood is a family based facility and discretion is required while consuming alcohol on Northwood Property. Alcohol is not to be consumed or allowed to be consumed by underage members or guests. Northwood has the right to request proof of age before consumption of alcohol is allowed on Northwood Property. Alcohol is only permitted on the grassy areas and within the pavilion but not permitted on the pool concrete deck area. Alcoholic beverages must be in unbreakable containers and containers cannot be left unattended. Proper disposal of alcoholic containers is required. Individual alcoholic containers are limited to 16 ounces or less and not to exceed (12) containers. Prior approval of the Northwood Board of Directors is required for larger alcoholic containers such as kegs, etc. to be permitted on Northwood Property and limited to be only located within the pavilion area. Alcohol is not permitted to be sold on Northwood Property. All general alcohol rules and regulations pertain also to member guests. Members or guests who do not follow the rules and/or exhibit any improper, unruly or drunken behavior will be requested to leave Northwood Property immediately and be subject to further disciplinary action by the Northwood Board of Directors. Reminder: In Maryland a person is legally intoxicated and not permitted to operate motor vehicles if their blood alcohol level is .08 or higher. Guests Guests may be brought in any time the pool is open for general membership use. The procedure for guests is: All guests must be registered at the front desk. The member registering the guest(s) must remain on the Club premises with his/her guest(s) as long as the guest(s) stay(s). The adult member shall be responsible for the guest(s) and his/her behavior. A Guest Form must be filled out to track guests to a member’s membership (this includes ALL parties as well). Minors under age 13 by December 1 of the current year may not register guests without the express written permission of an adult member of the same membership, whose written permission shall be retained by the Club. A $8.00 guest fee will be charged to non-members before entering the pool grounds, for each non-member 6 years of age and older per each calendar day. Members are limited to no more than 6 guests per calendar day without prior approval from the Board of Directors. Parties (All Types Per By-Law Section 5): Parties can be arranged through on a first come, first served basis. Parties are to be limited to not more than 25 persons unless prior approval is given. For parties over 25 persons approval must be given by the Board of Directors. Pavilion Use: Management will designate a party location based on availability of the pavilion. A party may only use one (1) half of the pavilion at any time up to 25 people. Parties greater than 25 people may reserve the entire pavilion with approval by the Board of Directors. Parties are responsible for cleaning up the pavilion area afterwards to avoid being charged a cleaning fee. Fees for the pavilion will be set by the Board of Directors.